137 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian awal yang mempunyai tujuan untuk mengungkap latar belakang mahasiswa dan seberapa tingkat keyakinan awal atau tingkat percaya diri awal mahasiswa pendidikan IPA S1 di FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta untuk menjadi calon guru IPA SMP. Subyek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan IPA semester III. (sampel 88 mahasiswa). Penelitian ini dilakukan akhir semester III tahun perkuliahan 2008/2009. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif, dimana peneliti menggunakan angket untuk menjaring data. Adapun angket yang digunakan ada dua macam, yaitu angket pertama tentang riwayat pendidikan awal mahasiswa serta motivasi memilih program studi pendidikan IPA yang diisikan dalam data curriculum vitae, sedangkat angket kedua merupakan angket Self-efficacy Beliefs about Equitable Science Teaching (SEBEST) yang dikembangkan Ritter tersebut terdiri dari 34 butir pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan personal self-efficacy dan outcome expectancy dalam Likert-scale. Berdasarkan analisis data deskriptif dari angket hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut 97,6% mahasiswa berlatar belakang SMA/MA IPA dan 2,4% mahasiswa berlatar belakang SMK; 26,8% mahasiswa memilih prodi pendidikan IPA karena senang menjadi guru IPA; 7,3% dorongan orang tua; 24,4% melihat prospektif tentang program studi pendidikan IPA dan 41,5% memilih prodi pendidikan IPA bukan pilihan utama. Persentase mahasiswa yang memilih bidang fisika sebagai materi subyek sains yang paling mereka senangi ada 7,3%, paling senang materi subyek biologi sebanyak 41,5%, paling senang materi subyek kimia sebanyak 12,2% dan paling senang materi subyek kebumian dan astronomi sebanyak 3,9%. Self-efficacy Beliefs about Equitable Science Teaching (SEBEST) yang berkaitan dengan personal self-efficacy dan outcome expectancy mahasiswa dapat dikategorikan tinggi. Pertanyaan positip tentang personal self efficacy untuk jawaban sangat setuju (22,0%); setuju (47,8%); biasa saja (18,1%), sedangkan yang rendah dengan pilihan jawaban tidak setuju dan sangat tidak setuju ratarata (12,1%). Pertanyaan negatip tentang personal self-efficacy untuk jawaban sangat tidak setuju (24,1%); tidak setuju (56,4%); biasa saja (15,2%), sedangkan yang rendah untuk jawaban sangat setuju dan setuju rata-rata (4,3%). Pertanyaan positip tentang outcome expectancy untuk jawaban sangat setuju (27,8%); setuju (40,3%); biasa saja (11,3%), sedangkan jawaban yang rendah dengan pilihan tidak setuju dan sangat tidak setuju rata-rata(19,6%). Pertanyaan negatip tentang outcome expectancy untuk jawaban sangat tidak setuju (26,6%); tidak setuju (54,2%); biasa saja (15,6%), sedangkan yang rendah dengan jawaban sangat setuju dan setuju rata-rata (4,6%). Hasil deskripsi penelitian ini dijadikan dasar untuk penelitian lanjutan tentang pengembangan program IPA terintegrasi guna membekali calon guru IPA SMP


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    This research aims to develop integrated science for SMP/MTs grade based on local potential in Special District of Yogyakarta. This research has background of paradigm that the learning of science in SMP/MTs has been being recommended integrated and combined with some studies in Science. The characteristic of integrated science that has close relationship with the contextual theme and environment point of view also needs to be developed. The real implementation of the development of integrated science is the mapping analysis of integrated science curriculum competency based on the local potential; module and student’s worksheet which have relationship with assessment and local superiority. The research method is Research and Development. The research steps are Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate step. The instruments of this research are product validation and tryouts (test, observation sheets, and questionnaires). The result of the research can produce integrated science based on local potential for “Aphyterapy Clinic”, “Dragon fruit farms” and “PDAM”. Those four integrated science packets have been categorized in to good quality to improve the creative thinking and student independenc


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    Science Education Undergraduate Students’ Competence in Integrated Science through the Process Skills Approach. This study aimed to describe the competence of science education undergraduate students, in terms of subject matter competence and pedagogic competence in integrated science using the process skills approach. This study was a descriptive study involving 31 semester VI undergraduate students of science education. The data were collected using the integrated science I test instrument and the integrated science II test instrument; the competence map development assesment instrument and integrated science learning syllabus; and the lesson plan assessment instrument and peer teaching instrument. The results showed increases in the subject matter competence, science interdisciplinary understanding competence for objective questions, and science interdisciplinary understanding competence for essay questions. Students’ pedagogic competence in planning integrated science learning ranged from the good category to the very good category, their competence in lesson plan development was good, and their competence in doing and managing learning was fairly good. Keywords : subject matter competence, pedagogic comptetence, integrated science, process skill approac

    Problem Solving Ability of Junior High School Students Through the Application of Problem Based Learning Model on Simple Aircraft Material Seen from Gender Differences

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    The purpose of the study was to describe the profile of students' problem-solving skills through the application of problem-based learning models in terms of gender differences. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The research population was students of class VIII A SMPN 19 Bengkulu Selatan. The research instrument used was a problem-solving skills test. The data collection technique used a test in the form of a description question. Data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics. The results showed that, the average of female students' completeness results increased by 72.5, and the average of male students' indicator completeness increased by 73.5 This shows that, male students' problem-solving skills are greater than female students. The average value of male students is 0.36, with a moderate category, and the average value of female students is 0.48, with a moderate category. This shows that there are differences in problem solving skills between male students and female students. The conclusion in this study is that female students' problem-solving skills are higher than male students.Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan profil keterampilan pemcahan masalah siswa melalui penerapan model pembelajaran problem based learning dilihat dari perbedaan gender. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII A SMPN 19 Bengkulu Selatan. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes keterampilan penyelesaian masalah. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes berbentuk soal uraian. Teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, rata-rata hasil ketuntasan siswa perempuan meningkat sebesar 72.5, dan rata-rata ketuntasan indikator siswa laki-laki meningkat sebesar 73.5 Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa, keterampilan penyelesaian masalah siswa laki-laki lebih besar dibandingkan siswa perempuan. Nilai N-gain siswa laki-laki sebesar 0.36, dengan kategori sedang, dan nilai N-gain pada siswa perempuan sebesar 0.48, dengan kategori sedang. Hal ini menunjukkan ada peningkatan keterampilan penyelesaian masalah antara siswa laki[1]laki dan siswa perempuan. Simpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah keterampilan penyelesaian masalah siswa perempuan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa laki-laki

    Kompetensi IPA Terintegrasi melalui Pendekatan Keterampilan Proses Mahasiswa S-1 Pendidikan IPA

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    Science Education Undergraduate Students' Competence in IntegratedScience through the Process Skills Approach. This study aimed to describe thecompetence of science education undergraduate students, in terms of subject mattercompetence and pedagogic competence in integrated science using the processskills approach. This study was a descriptive study involving 31 semester VI undergraduatestudents of science education. The data were collected using the integratedscience I test instrument and the integrated science II test instrument; thecompetence map development assesment instrument and integrated science learningsyllabus; and the lesson plan assessment instrument and peer teaching instrument.The results showed increases in the subject matter competence, science interdisciplinaryunderstanding competence for objective questions, and science interdisciplinaryunderstanding competence for essay questions. Students' pedagogiccompetence in planning integrated science learning ranged from the good categoryto the very good category, their competence in lesson plan development was good,and their competence in doing and managing learning was fairly good

    Alternative learning model in physics learning: Effect of the conceptual change model with cognitive conflict on critical thinking skill

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    The purpose of this study was to apply the Conceptual Change Model (CCM) containing cognitive conflicts and to find out the difference in their effects on students' critical thinking skills. This type of research is a quasi-experimental study with an Only-Posttest design. The sample in this study was 91 students at senior high school in Lombok, Indonesia. The sampling technique used in this research is simple random sampling. Students are divided into three sample groups: experiment class, control 1 class, and control 2. Critical thinking skills are measured based on five aspects: basic clarification, basic decisions, inference, evaluation, and further explanation. The test used to measure critical thinking skills is a description test. The material chosen is motion along a straight line. This research was tested by ANOVA 1 way. The test results show differences in the critical thinking skills of the three sample groups in the motion and straight line material. This shows that CCM containing cognitive conflict can be used as alternative learning to improve critical thinking skills. Subsequent research is carried out for different materials and different areas, but it should be noted that this learning is suitable for materials that experience many misconceptions

    Edible Coating Starch Making for Preserving Fruit as an Alternative for Junior High School Science Practicum on Additives Substance Material

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    This research aimed to study the edible coating starch making for preserving fruit as an alternative for junior high school science practicum on additives substance material. The edible coating is a thin layer that can be consumed, inhibits microbial growth, and provides physical protection to the coated fruit. The steps to make edible coating starch carried out by the researchers are as follows: producing an eatable coating solution from cassava starch, making citronella extract fragrant, and application on fruit. Based on the results of research, edible coating starch with the addition of 30% citronella grass extract was the best treatment. Grapes could last up to 14 days of storage and showed a decrease in water content and fruit sugar by 72.22% and 4.80%, respectively. Based on the questionnaire of the teacher's responses to the manufacture of edible coating starch as an alternative to the science practicum, the results on the material aspects were in the marvelous category (90.62%), practical aspects were in a good category (79.01%), the cost and safety aspects were in the good category (85.11%). Therefore, it was possible to apply edible coating practice in schools


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    The study aims to develop the physics instructional toolkit based on scientific approach which is eligible for learning and to investigate whether the physics instructional toolkit based on scientific approach developed can improve soft skills and hard skills of senior high school students. The study was conducted through a research and development adapting the Borg & Gall model. The steps of the study consisted of pre-research and collecting information, planning, developing preliminary form of product, testing preliminary field, revising main product, testing main field, and revising operational product. The data collection techniques were interview, observation, test, and questionnaire. The data were analysed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics using MANOVA at the 0.05 significance level.The results of the study are the physics instructional toolkit based on scientific approach developed is eligible for learning based on expert judgements and the result of testing field and there is a significant difference in the mean of soft skills and hard skills gain of  students between those who learned through physics instructional toolkit based on scientific approach developed and those who learned by conventional instructional toolkit


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) menganalisis pengaruh model experiential learning terhadap aspek generic skills fisika peserta didik. (2) mengetahui peningkatan generic skills fisika peserta didik dengan menggunakan model experiential learning. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuasi eksperimen. Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas X semester 2 SMA N 1 Kasihan Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019 yang terdiri dari enam kelas. Sampel pada penelitian ini ditentukan dengan cara cluster random sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu soal pretest-posttest generic skills peserta didik, lembar observasi generic skillls peserta didik, dan lembar observasi keterlaksanaan RPP. Analisis data menggunakan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) model Experiential Learning memberikan pengaruh besar terhadap peningkatan generic skills fisika peserta didik kelas X SMAN 1 Kasihan pada pembelajaran materi usaha dan energi dengan nilai effect size 1,58774. (2) Model Experiential Learning mampu meningkatkan generic skills fisika peserta didik kelas X SMAN 1 Kasihan pada pembelajaran materi usaha dan energi dengan nilai n-gain 0,46 dalam kategori sedang

    Improving Problem Solving Ability Through Problem Based Learning E-Modules

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    This study aims to produce research instruments that are suitable for use in learning physics using the PBL learning model and to find out the increase in students' problem-solving abilities. The subjects of this study were 70 grade 10 students. This research was a Research and Development (R&D) study using a 4D development model consisting of Define, Design, Development, and Disseminate. The types of research data are qualitative and quantitative. collecting research data using observation and tests of students' problem-solving abilities given before and after learning. The results showed that the research instruments developed were valid for use in physics learning as evidenced by the results of the validity and reliability and the improvement of students' problem-solving skills in the modeling and implementation classes included in the medium category.Kemampuan pemecahan masalah merupakan salah satu kemampuan yang harus dimiliki siswa, namun pada kenyataannya kemampuan tersebut masih rendah. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan instrumen penelitian yang layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran fisika dengan model pembelajaran PBL serta untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 70 siswa kelas 10. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D) dengan menggunakan model pengembangan 4D yang terdiri dari Define, Design, Development, dan Disseminate. Jenis data penelitian adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan observasi dan tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa yang diberikan sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instrumen penelitian yang dikembangkan valid digunakan dalam pembelajaran fisika dibuktikan dengan hasil validitas dan reliabilitas serta peningkatan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa pada kelas pemodelan dan implementasi termasuk dalam kategori sedang
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